Cold Laser

Cold Laser Therapy is centered on the use of wavelengths of light to help the body heal. The chiropractor uses a handheld device on the area in question. Similar to a flashlight, this device is fairly diminutive yet highly effective. The light is applied upwards of several minutes. If necessary, the device will be moved to treat each specific area where pain is present. This device emits light photons to penetrate the skin just below the surface with the overarching aim of providing pain relief. The photons move below the painful skin, allowing the painful tissue to absorb light and expedite the healing process while combating inflammation and permitting timely recovery. The light’s energy is absorbed by the tissue to catalyze the healing process.

Though few know it, this form of therapy has been in use going all the way back to the mid-1960s. In fact, several studies and double-blind trials prove this form of therapy helps patients recover from several conditions. Reach out to our chiropractor today at (253) 970-5077 to find out more about our use of cold lasers to heal damaged tissue and expedite the healing process.