
Massage therapy promotes wellness in the human body. The focus of chiropractic massage care is the central nervous system and the spine. Chiropractic massage makes it that much easier for the body’s internal communication system work as it should. Visit Pearl Chiropractic for massage care and you will find it relieves pain and also improves your wellness as a whole. We often weave massage therapy into chiropractic care to treat discs, realign vertebrae, zero in on low back pain and remedy joint ailments. In fact, chiropractic massage care moves toxins from the body’s soft tissue to help the body better process them and ultimately removing them.

In short, massage therapy is centered on the gentle application of pressure to the muscles in the back. This form of therapy zeroes in on the spine in terms of how it relates to the body’s joints, muscles and nerves. In terms of equipment used for massages, our chiropractor uses everything from chiropractic massage chairs to tables and a spinal decompression machine. The hand movements used to relieve pain through chiropractic massage are centered on kneading the muscles, gliding and applying hand pressure. From back pain to headaches and joint issues, chiropractic massage care helps with several different ailments. Massage care also keeps you limber, reducing the chances of injury when participating in sports or exercising.